
Selenite Angels

Original price was: ₹699.00.Current price is: ₹599.00.

9 in stock


Energized Selenite Angel- Selenite angel is among one of the very powerful and very affective crystals that shields your aura, brings positivity and increases your intuitive powers & psychic abilities. One of the must buy angel for healers and tarot card readers. Selenite enhances your positive attitude towards everything and helps you in releasing all sort of negativity in your surroundings.

Product description

  • Size – 2 inch approx.
  • These angels are energized in Mahamrityunjay Sidhha healing and Asht Vinayak Siddha Healing.

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Primary Benefits
  • One of the very powerful angel for protection against any sort of negativity such as witchcraft, black magic etc.
  • One of the must buy angel for empaths, healers and people who feel drained up when they talk to others.
  • An angel that shields your aura and brings a lot of positivity in your life.
  • Selenite angel removes negativity from a place where it is kept and brings tremendous positivity in the life of its user.
  • Selenite angel helps you making stronger connection during tarot readings and protects you from negativity of the client.
  • Selenite angel helps you to release your past old painful memories and grudges. It helps you in moving on from the past and is best stone for forgiveness.
  • Selenite angel increases your healing power and an ability to manifest your goals and targets.
  • Selenite angel is a stress buster stone & transforms your thought process from negative to positive, it’s a stone of spiritual growth & protection
  • Selenite angel increases your connection with your guardian angels.
  • A must buy angel.
  • Keep it in your Angel altar, workplace table or Home temple over red cloth.
  • Try to meditate holding the Selenite angelin your right hand daily for at least 5 mins.
  • Do not wash with water or wet cloth and store it in dry place.

Origin: INDIA