
Panchmukhi Rudraksh Oragon Pyramid

Original price was: ₹1,200.00.Current price is: ₹1,000.00.

100 in stock


Energized Panchmukhi RudrakshOragon Pyramid – A Very Divine rudraksh pyramid, this rudraksh that is ruled by Lord Shiva and is the rudraksh ideal for students, singers, public speakers and a person seeking spiritual growth. It is ruled by planet Guru (Brihaspati) and is good for students as well as people who are looking for spiritual growth.

Product description

  • This pyramid is energized and blessed in Mahamrityunjay Siddha healing.
  • Pyramid size 3to 4 inch approx.

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Primary Benefits
  • Sudden/uncertain fear can be eliminated with the power of this Rudraksh.
  • Relieves you from the malefic affects of planet Guru in your life.
  • This rudraksh blesses its wearer with inner peace and fame.
  • It is believed to be used for water therapy where it’s importance is felt by direct consumption.
  • It is believed that it protects from all type of diseases.
  • All types of fear are warded off after wearing this rudraksh.
  • Panchmukhi rudraksh is good for students, writers, teachers and even journalists.
  • It is beneficial for those students as well who are planning for sitting in competitive exams.
  • One of the best rudraksh for spiritual growth, it blesses the spiritual seeker with inner wisdom as
  • well as inner connection if he meditates or use the Panchmukhi rudraksh mala for mantra chanting or meditation.
  • It brings happiness and peace in its wearers life.
  • It is helpful for singers and public speakers.
  • Keep this pyramid in your home temple, work table or angel altar.
  • Avoid keeping this pyramid in kitchen.
  • Avoid brining the Rudrakshpyramid in contact with soap etc.

Origin: NEPAL