
Elite Shugnite Bracelets

Original price was: ₹2,700.00.Current price is: ₹2,500.00.

10 in stock


Energized Elite Shugnite Bracelet– Shugnite is a very powerful and very rare stone which has tremendous healing properties and serves both purposes that is healing and protection. It is a stone of grounding and protects you from harmful electromagnetic frequencies (Emf) and other toxins in air. Shugnite is also known as the stone of life as it is believed to be evolved from the elements which are responsible for life on earth (Major component in creation of Shugnite is Carbon, which is the universal building block for life).Shugnite is a stone which calms your fears, anxiety and negative thoughts and gives you peace and harmony.

Product description

  • The bracelet is energized and blessed in Mahamrityunjay siddha healing and Asht Vinayak healing.
  • The bracelet comes with lab certification of originality.
  • The bracelet bead size is 8mm.
  • We worked beautifully on the crystals

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Primary Benefits
  • Shugnite heals your root chakra as a result it heals and ground your fears, anxiety and stress.
  • Shugnite is the stone that calms down your negative thoughts and helps you in releasing them and getting inner peace.
  • Shugnite protects you from negative energies of all kind whether its negative thoughts of someone else or your own or its harmful radiations in mobiles and laptops or its Emf and other toxins present in air.
  • Shugnite gives you clarity of thoughts and helps you in getting rid from over excessive thoughts which diverts your attention away from your goals and targets.
  • Shugnite is a stone that gives you a sense of protection & security and protects you against various negativities such as evil eye, Nazar dosh and black magic etc.
  • Shugnite shields your aura and heals and balances all your chakras.
  • Shugnite helps you in spiritual growth and also helps in increasing your intuitive and psychic powers as a result you are able to understand the intention of the person in front of you very easily.
  • Shugnite helps you in connecting with in yourself and help you in focusing towards positivity.
  • Shugnite is also an intuitive stone and it helps you in meditation as well. When you meditate using Shugnite, you not only release your worries, fears etc. but also you get connected with Divine energies as a result you start feeling very positive and many times you get answers of your problems as a channeled message in the meditation as well.
  • If you are a person who is looking for spiritual growth and getting more spiritual wisdom then it’s a must buy stone for you as it helps you in getting connected with in yourself and helps you in getting Divine spiritual knowledge through meditation.
  • A must buy stone for healers, tarot readers and psychics.
  • Avoid using the bracelet while bathing especially.
  • Try to meditate holding the bracelet in your right hand daily for at least 5 mins.



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