Kundalini Reiki

Kundalini Reiki Treatment is one of the most powerful of the Reiki Training Services through which we can solve all our life problems and can attain moksha(salvation).

Kundalini Reiki in India is taught in 9 levels and its Shaktipath is done in 3 levels

1.Kundalini Reiki 1(Level 1, 2, 3) – In this level, we do the shaktipath/attunement in first 3 levels of Kundalini Reiki and after this attunement the Kundalini rises till solar plexus chakra(depends on person to person), if you have more blockages in your root chakra and sacral chakra then kundalini might not reach solar plexus and stops at sacral chakra.

2 .Kundalini Reiki 2(Level 4, 5, 6) – In this level, we do the shaktipath/attunement in Kundalini Reiki level 4, 5 and 6 in this Kundalini rises till throat chakra but if there are too many blockages then the Kundalini may stop at heart chakra.

3.Kundalini Reiki 3(Level 7, 8, 9) – In this level, we do the shaktipath/attunement in Kundalini Reiki level 7, 8, 9 in this Kundalini crosses the crown chakra and you may see a lotus at the time of doing meditation at your crown chakra. However, if there are blockages then the kundalini may stop at third eye chakra as well.

Please note, it is a single course and its payment is done for all 9 levels.

Disclaimer: The following is required to be checked before anyone purchases this course

Kundalini is extremely powerful energy and the minimum requirement to join this course is that the person joining the course has already learnt the Reiki Level 3A at least 3 months back and is practicing reiki regularly because Kundalini Reiki Treatment is very powerful and it can create side effects as well in the person if the person is not a Reiki practitioner in Reiki level 3A. We do not claim any responsibility for any side effect during the course learning or after practicing it. People are learning at their own choice and risk only, no compensation or no refunds requests will be entertained.

Kundalini Reiki in India course happens at in 4 classes within minimum 21 days(or more sometimes depending on student’s availability)

1.Class 1 – Teaching all concepts and theory (Duration 4 hours)

2.Class 2 – Shaktipath / attunement in Level 1 , 2,

3.Class 3 – Shaktipath /attunement in Kundalini Reiki 2 after 7 days or more after the attunement in Kundalini Reiki 1

4.Class 4 – Shaktipath/attunement in Kundalini Reiki 3 after 7 days or more after the attunement in Kundalini Reiki 2

What is Kundalini awakening?

To understand Kundalini Reiki Treatment we must first understand Kundalini Awakening. A full Kundalini Awakening is a specific energetic experience that means all of the knots and issues of the psyche have been resolved. It’s extraordinarily rare and Kundalini Reiki in India helps people experience it. Most people who experience some type of energetic experience are not experiencing a full awakening, but the beginnings of the movement of Kundalini in the body.

People can have an energy shift that awakens level of perceptions that activate the chakras for awhile. They can move into some strange modes of behavior. The real full-on Kundalini Awakening experience is a surge of energy coming from mulhadara up the back of the spine, over the top of the head and culminating in the forehead. The whole system has awakened.

Kundalini Reiki Treatment helps the flow of these energies and can bring psychic abilities as well as empathy and higher energy levels. Kundalini Reiki in India is a special gem that brings people up to their better self.

Regardless, Kundalini Awakening – whether a full experience or the beginnings of movement – is the awakening of Kundalini energy, which resides at the base of the spine. The energy begins to move up the spine in some way, shape or form.

Kundalini Reiki Treatment takes into factor that this awakening of energy has nothing to do with a person’s culture, religion, or country of origin. While the experience is generally described in yogic texts, it’s also known of and referred to in other spiritual traditions. It is the natural evolution of the human being, awakening to higher levels of consciousness. Kundalini Reiki in India at Healing World helps you to achieve this awakening of energy and connect to your divine higher self.

The above figure represents the Kundalini awakening in the human body the Kundalini rises from root chakra and crosses the crown chakra of the person once fully activated.

Benefits of Kundalini Reiki

Kundalini Reiki Treatment at Healing World helps in the increase in power of healing and getting connected to higher self. It is the path to connection with divine and intuition increases.

It can manifest in anything in life and heals all bad karmas and obstacles of your life.

Karmic Reiki in India can heal all your life problems with divine help.

It is safe from all dangers of life if practiced regularly. No black magic, evil eye or negative energy can affect a person who is a Kundalini Reiki Practitioner.

When Kundalini awakens, a person may experience deeper empathy with others, and this empathy can almost become telepathic.

Due to Kundalini Reiki Treatment, there is

 Greater sensitivity

  1. Higher energy levels
  2. Psychic abilities or deep knowing
  3. Aging can appear to slow down
  4. Creativity and charisma can increase
  5. Internal peace and knowing

Kundalini Reiki in India brings a sense of being part of All that Is. The greater mysteries of life are no longer mysteries.

Kundalini Course

Single course with all 9 levels (Complete Kundalini Course)